We’re busy, we’re growing, we’re hiring
Good recruiters typically aren’t short of options, so how do you pick which business is right for you? Sure we have a pool table, great offices on the edge of Barangaroo, lots of team social events & decent salaries… but that’s what everyone has these days isn’t it? This is why we think we you should chat to us:-
Highly Qualified Roles with Great Clients
We aren’t one of those companies that is ‘always winning a new client’. Why? Because we partner with a handful of major customers for the long term, when the market is busy and when its quiet. Key customers like Qantas and Macquarie Bank give us stability and predictability, in turn we ensure we deliver the talent they need. Our team keeps a much smaller number of roles on their desk, but we fill 70% of the roles we take on. Lower volume of roles, higher quality output. Simple.
Loyalty, trust, flexibility and respect
When COVID lockdowns hit and requirements evaporated overnight some recruitment companies sacked all their staff to preserve profits, at Technology People none of the Recruitment team were laid off. We stuck by our people and rode it out as a team. We’re a family business, not part of some large global corporation, we support our people and treat them like adults. We’re flexible for people to work from home as needed & if you need to take the afternoon off to see the doctor just go for it.
We offer both fulltime and part-time roles and are happy to work with you to build a role and a career plan for you.
Sponsorship and Giving Back
The Directors of Technology People have a strong focus on giving back to our community
Sports Sponsorship
We sponsor upcoming talent in Australian sports, we have a number of current commitments across tennis, boxing and league. Our current major sponsorship is with Tim Tszyu, an Australian light middleweight professional boxer. & son of legendary former light middleweight world champion Kostya Tszyu. We host regular events for our staff an customers to get involved and the chance to meet the stars we sponsor. Learn more about Tim at https://timtszyu.com.au/
Other good causes
Technology People is passionate about social responsibility and offering support to the community in the ways that are possible. We are proud to support and resource the work of Adventures with Purpose, a charitable organisation founded by co-directors, Mike Roddy & Steve Scanlan.
Adventures with Purpose ethos is to continue living a life full of adventure as well as give to those who are most deserving.
Recent events supported include:
• Starlight Foundation Fundraising Gala Event
• Fredrick’s Ataxia Fundraiser
Leadership, training, development & progression
Write something here about awesome leadership and how we help develop staff.
Leadership, training, development & career progression
We want our team to progress! We want you moving up, we need people to transition upwards in our organisation, which is why we have a plan with all of our team to help them achieve their goals. Emma Dwyer our Head of People and Culture works with our team to offer a career plan, clearly defined goals and targets, a plan for progression for everyone who wants it. Check out the video below from Jo, the Managing Director for NSW about Technology People.